Photo: A group of Lucania goodei, the bluefin killifish, in a sorting jar.
While collecting fish in Coleto Creek in Victoria County, Texas (I’ll be blogging about this collecting trip shortly) with our nephew (Darin), his wife (Anne), and three-year-old daughter (Sylvie), Darin picked a fish out of the seine net and asked me what it was. I was stumped. It was obviously a killifish, but one I’d never seen before. We caught and retained several of both sexes.
The photo at the top as well as the one below was taken in one of our greenhouses in a jar we use for sorting. The quality is bad, but I’ll try for better photos later.

Back at home, both Darin and I did some online research trying to identify the fish. I went through all the Fundulus species and found nothing. Then Darin texted me, “Lucania?” Sure enough, Lucania goodei, the bluefin killifish has been introduced into Texas. A bit of research found this species is native to southeastern United States, but has been introduced into California, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Texas (Gallaway et al. 2008; Hubbs et al. 2008). According to Gallaway, in Texas it was established in a small artificial wetland in Victoria, Texas. Victoria is on the banks of the Guadalupe River and Coleto Creek is one of its tributaries. The US Geological Survey map (see: below shows this introduction; see the southern most brown blotch, that is part of the Guadalupe River and Coleto Creek. For a video time lapse of this species occurrence in Texas, go to: below the USGS map.

I also discovered during the research that another Lucania, L. parva, is native to the Texas coast. But, it doesn’t look anything like the fish we caught.
According to, the species’ habitat is “Heavily vegetated ponds and streams, in areas of little or no current (Gilbert and Burgess 1980). Frequently associated with spring habitats, and may occur in waters of moderate salinities (up to 10.3 ppt; Kilby 1955; Gilbert and Burgess 1980). Species may occur in waters of extremely low dissolved oxygen content, where it apparently uses small, upturned mouth to obtain oxygen from thin surface film as does Gambusia affinis (Lewis 1970; Gilbert and Burgess 1980).”
Keeping and Breeding
From what I can glean from various sources, this species should breed year around in captivity. I plan on setting them up for breeding shortly and will raise them the same as we raise Fundulus chrysotus.
For the hobbyist, here’s what Aquahobby has to say about this fish:
“The bluefin killifish are sexable when they are mature. The males have bright blue marks on the dorsal fins, whereas the females only clear dorsal and anal fins with no color at all. The males also have red or yellow marks on caudal and anal fins and are larger and more slender than females, which are smaller but plumper. Bluefin killies are onmivores, meaning they eat both animal and plant matter. Bluefins prefer munching on inverts such as mosquito larva, snails, scuds etc. Bluefins also will pick on the algae on aquatic plants. Best food for them is frozen bloodworms, especially for the wild caught and pond/tub bred ones that are picky eaters, refusing to consume flakes. Breeding is actually easy, as long as you have lots of plants such as Java moss or use a spawning mop, and feed them live/frozen foods.
“The bluefin killifish do better in heavily planted tanks than bare tank or not enough plants. They will behave naturally in the planted tank which is why I always have to add Java moss, banana plants and elodea to my bluefin killifish tank. They are better in a species tank, as they can be shy or playful depending on the tankmates. Dwarf livebearers (Heterandria formosa) and Japanese Rice fish (Oryzias latipes) are my bluefin killies’ tank mates, all of them in a 115 L tank without a heater. Bluefins tolerate up to 26°C but they do better at lower temperatures. I always put the bluefins in my 470 L tub outside with duckweed and elodea during the summer. I always get some fry in the fall when I fish the bluefins out of the tub. The bluefins can breed in the tank as long as you can provide the fry with green water, then later newly hatched brine shrimp. Make sure the parents are removed from the tank if you want babies, as the parents will eat the eggs and the fry. Bluefins are my favorite native killifish because they have playful personalities and are very easy to take care of.”
And here’s what the Chicago Zoological Society says,
“Bluefin killifish are elongated and minnow-shaped with a laterally compressed body. They are sexually dimorphic (have two distinct gender forms); males are longer than females and have blue markings on the anal and dorsal fins. Males have a bright blue, black-edged dorsal fin, which is green at the front base and deep orange-red at the rear base. They contain more blue than females and have an orange caudal (tail) fin, the base of which fades to yellow. Their pelvic fins are orange and edged in black. Females have clear fins. Bluefin killifish have a strongly upturned mouth and convex tail. The overall body color is brown/grayish-white. A dark band runs from the snout, extends through the eye, and ends where the tail fin is attached. Body color above this band is a lighter brown with subtle green highlights at times appearing a hazel color. The underside is a paler brown.
“Bluefin killifish live in freshwater and brackish water habitats. They are found in shallow, heavily vegetated areas with little or no current, such as ponds, lakes, pools, and backwater streams. Bluefin killifish are diurnal (active during the day). They will school at times. Males will establish territories, but will not become overly aggressive.
“The reproductive peak for bluefin killifish is from March to mid-summer. Over a period of several weeks, spawning (egg fertilizing/laying) pairs deposit up to 20 individually released eggs per day on vegetation, algae, stones, or a sand substrate. They lay their eggs in areas of dense vegetation.The eggs are fertilized externally. Adults will not guard the eggs, which hatch in about 12 days.
“Young bluefin killifish eat small shrimp, worms, and other small invertebrates. They can be sexed after about three months.
The bluefin killifish feeds on small insects, crustaceans, and plant material.”
You should be able to glean enough husbandry information from the above two sources to be successful with Lucania goodei.
According to, the authority we use to determine the validity of scientific names (since you must pick one source, or you bounce all over the place about taxonomy), the genus Lucania (Girard, 1859 – bright fin killifishes) has three valid species:
Lucania goodei (Jordan, 1880)
Lucania interioris (Hubbs and Miller, 1965)
Lucania parva (Baird and Girard in Girard, 1855)
Lucania interioris is from Mexico. As mentioned above, L. parva is found naturally in Texas, but in decades of collecting I’ve never seen it.
Almost every collecting trip I go on has its surprises. Lucania goodei is one, but not the only one, for this trip. You’ll have to read my next blog to find out what other surprise occurred.
Gallaway, B.J., R.G. Fechhelm, and R.G. Howells. 2008. Introduction of the bluefin killifish (Lucania goodei) in Texas. Texas Journal of Science 60(1):69-72.
Gilbert, C.R., and G.H. Burgess. 1980. Lucania goodei (Jordan), Bluefin killifish. pp. 534 in D. S. Lee et al., Atlas of North American Freshwater Fishes. N. C. State Mus. Nat. Hist., Raleigh, i-r+854 pp.
Paul Kotarides says
A few years ago I saw a very similar fish in a pet store tank of guppies that was obviously by-catch from a fish farm pond. I also found a few Heterandia Formosa and some Caucana mollies that way. I’ve found some interesting fish in pet store tanks that were obviously unintentional tag alongs in shipments from fish farms. This is especially so in tanks of feeder guppies.
Robert Keeney says
I put wild-caught bluefins in my 300-gallon stock tank with lots of plants and a pea gravel substrate. I have about 20 fry about 1/2-inch long. In my experience, they don’t get active until the water gets up near 80F. Before that you hardly ever see them. So far they haven’t touched any flake food. There is one variatus and a few zebra danios in the tank with them. I’ve seen some tiny fry in the tank, but they were too small to know what they were.
Robert Keeney says
This is an update to my previous post. Today’s date is Wednesday, October 07 2020.
My bluefins have been outdoors all summer in the 300-gallon stock tank. I now have a lot of them. It’s hard to say how many. The bottom of the tank is almost completely covered with plants. I hardly ever see an adult, but there is fry everywhere I look.
I feed them a little daily. It isn’t necessary, but dropping a little food in the tank gets the fish used to you. There is one large group of fry that come to the feeding ring whenever I show up. I’m afraid I have to disagree with the statement “pond/tub bred ones that are picky eaters, refusing to consume flakes.” In comparison, they do not attack it like guppies will do, but they will pick at it until it is gone. They will also eat algae wafers the same way. I have also fed them floating worm pellets.
I check my temperatures daily because I was concerned about the fish overheating. The original fish were from the caught in spring runoff. They stopped spawning when the temperatures got into the eighties. The temperature in the tank got as high as 98F, and they did not seem to mind. While I think they prefer lower temperatures, I do not think this statement is correct. “Bluefins tolerate up to 26°C, but they do better at lower temperatures.”
I’m leaving them out over winter. I’m sure they will be fine.
John Maniscalco says
I saw a pair of strange fish at a local shop in Long Island NY… asked the owner and he said he didn’t know what they were and that he had scooped them up from a bunch of feeders as your previous commenter had also mentioned. I bought some other fish and the guy threw in the two mystery fish (Bluefin killis) for free. Thanks for your article and husbandry tips, I hope they adapt well to my planted 125.
Charles Clapsaddle says
By the way, we are now posting on our YouTube channel documenting our losses and recovery from the 2021 winter storm.
How are you killies doing? I haven’t had a chance to check to see if ours survived the storm. They are temperate zone fish, so the cold shouldn’t have bothered them.