Photo above is a male Orange Freckled Swordtail. The grid behind him is in inches and shows his size.
Those of you who have read many of my past articles and blogs know that a common theme throughout my writings is serendipity (could also be called “luck”). This interesting fish arose from a mistake. The result was serendipitous.
Sometime in the Summer of 2015 someone made a mistake. I’m quite sure it wasn’t me, but it could have been. I prefer to blame one of the two possible female culprits (they know who they are). In any event, some surplus male Xiphophorus alvarezi were inadvertently put in the same vat as some Blushing Swordtail females. Fortunately, the Blushing females weren’t our breeders. Since females of the species in the family Poeciliidae (guppies, swords, platies, variatus, and their relatives) store sperm, once they’ve been exposed to the “wrong” males they are useless as “pure” breeders. Why is this? The stored sperm can last for months and, if they are mated to more than one male, the male parent can’t be known for sure.
I discovered the mistake in in the Fall of 2015 when we processed the Blushing Swords. Processing consists of netting out the fish from each of the vats containing that variety, inventorying the fish, reconstituting the breeding colony, and sorting the remaining fish into adults, juveniles, and fry to sell. Our practice is not mix fish from one vat with others until the inventory is complete. In this case, that prevented Blushing females exposed to the X. alvarezi males from being mixed with our breeders. For some reason (another case of serendipity), I didn’t place the exposed females into a mixed swordtail vat to be sold as such, but instead put them in their own vat. There they remained until the next time we processed the Blushing Swords, in January 2016. The photo below is a typical female Blushing Sword.

Upon doing that processing, I found not only the female Blushing Swords, but their hybrid offspring. The offspring were a pleasing orange color spangled with black freckles. I’ve found in most swordtail crosses the offspring have enhanced red or orange coloration and that certainly proved true here.
In yet another case of serendipity, I asked Susie (wife and business manager) what she thought of them. I had intended to discard them into the mixed swordtail vat, but Susie (as I had secretly hoped) actually liked them. In the normal course of business, I like to keep what Susie calls my “experimentals.” To Susie these are worthless fish that tie up valuable greenhouse space that could be used for commercially viable fish. To me they are interesting fish deserving a few or more generations to reach the status of commercially viable. Susie takes a dim view of this and, as a result, my experimental vats are limited. But, since she liked them, the fish got a reprieve. The photo below shows a typical female Orange Freckled Sword female. The grid behind her is marked in inches to show her size.

Since that time, we’ve gone through a few generations of these fish. It has proven to breed true enough to be given a strain name, Orange Freckled Swordtail. Each generation there are some non-freckled fish and a few fish that look like our Blushing Swords, but the bulk of them are Orange Freckles. Both sexes display the freckles on an orange body. Both grow large. We have a limited number of adults we’ll be releasing soon, some selected juveniles, and a fair number of fry.
Good fishkeeping!
Chuck says
Is that a true female? It looks like a slow developing male. I notice the heavy gravity spot but , it has a pretty well developed sword. Is that a trait of the females in this strain?
charles says
She is female and has had fry. Some older females in this strain develop a short sword as she has. I’m torn about whether to select for this. She was returned to the breeding colony, so I guess I am selected for the trait.
Avy says
That would be an awesome trait to breed for! Just a little hint of a sword is nice and not too confusing for newbies. I’m loving your blog BTW. Came to see the OB cichlids and now I’m in love. Nice work!
Garry says
Is this line still intact?
charles says
We lost the breeding colony in Hurricane Harvey and its aftermath, but do have about 150 juveniles we’re growing out. I ran a net through their vat today. There are some non-freckled fish and some freckled oranges. Surprisingly, since this line has been breeding true for orange body, there were some green swords in with them. I hope to process them soon and select the best as future breeders.
Ty Kimzey says
Ive purchased a male and two females that look very close to this strain in Kansas. My breeding male is 4.5 inches long. Females are closer to 3 inches , having the spots but lacking the reddish tinge of the male. Ive sent a picture to your email for comparison. Thanks for your contribution to the fish hobby.
charles says
Ty, I also replied to your email concerning this and gave a slightly wrong description of the cross resulting in these fish. In the email, I said it was a Red Sword x Xiphophorus alvarezi cross. As the blog says, it was a Blushing Sword x X. alvarezi cross. I do at some point plan the first cross to see if the orange-red color can be intensified. Charles
Lynda Yarborough says
I have “upon accident”
1) have two black male sword with orange top fin, possible (at this point) looks to be a light color of green on elongated tail. Also some iridesesent coloring on body. They have developed their tale at a young age as they are still in 2nd stage of grow tank of 10g.
2) This one is more amazing! He has a perfect V-shaped tail from birth. Also has changing iridescent coloring This evening it was obvious purple with silver face! Bottom of tail has three dots of black.
3) Same grow up tank also found by accident: Iridescent coloring of green.
Question: Are they a strand that is not normally seen?
charles says
There are black swords with red (orange) dorsals and iridescent bodies (greenish usually, sometimes blue).
If you have a fish with unique colors, be all means breed from it and develop a new strain!
Brody says
I have a female sword just like that except a darker almost bloo red color.
Charles Clapsaddle says
Brody, Interesting. I’ll be at the combined ALA/AKA convention in May in Kalamazoo. I hope to find some good breeding stock there.
Brody says
I have a female sword just like that except a darker almost blood red color instead of orange but it still has the speckles.
Brody says
I would honestly give her to you if you wanted her I just sold off the most of my swords and am still looking to sell her.
Here is a link to a photo of her it aint very good but I thin you can see her good enough
Charles Clapsaddle says
Brody, Do you still have her? If so, please email a photo at
Charles Clapsaddle says
Brody, Keep breeding from her and let me know what the offspring look like,