Aulonocara jacobfreibergi ‘Lemon Jake’

Aulonocara jacobfreibergi ‘Lemon Jake’

This morning we processed Aulonocara jacobfreibergi ‘Lemon Jake’. It is a very pretty fish. The photo is one of our six breeding males.

We got our beginning breeders (as 1-2” juveniles) last year in July from our customer Fish Gallery – Houston. They were grown up to form a breeding colony in February this year. Today was our first harvest and we’ll be adding 1-2” and 2-3” youngsters to our retail list soon.

This fish is also known as “Mamela” and is from Undu Reef on the Tanzania side of Lake Malawi. Males are colorful, while the females, as with most “peacock cichlids” are drab. Males reach about 7” and females about 5”. In temperament they are much like other peacocks, somewhat combative especially with close relatives. They prefer hard, alkaline water. Feeding and care are simple as with most Lake Malawi cichlids.


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