
Molly/Limia Hybrid?

Photo of a possible Limia vittata/Poecilia mexicana hybrid. The upper fish is a female Limia vittata. The bottom fish is a possible female Limia vittata/Poecilia mexicana hybrid. I have tried for years to produce a molly/Limia hybrid to no avail until maybe now. Why would I attempt this? ... Read More

Xiphophorus alvarezi, Chiapas Swordtail

Photo: A young, three to four month old, male Xiphophorus alvarezi. Xiphophorus alvarezi, the Chiapas Swordtail, is a wild swordtail species from, remarkably enough considering its name, the Mexican state of Chiapas. We acquired this species in the auction at the April 2012 Fort Lauderdale ... Read More

Litter Worm Update

Litter Worm Update Photo: A group of litter worms (Bimastos heimburgeri) in one of our compost piles. I previously blogged about finally finding a lab to identify our scuds, litter worms, and vat worms. For information about the scud identification and some background see these ... Read More

Roof Snake

As we continue our recovery from Hurricane Harvey, on a Sunday in late March 2018 I was on the roof finishing the removal of a large blue tarp that had been keeping our roof from leaking during rains. I had to remove and replace it because our insurance company required me to pull it up for ... Read More

Aulonocara stuartgranti ‘Chiloelo’

Photo of a male Aulonocara stuartgranti ‘Chiloelo’ we are currently selling. We raise a number of species in the Aulonocara genus, including these populations of Aulonocara stuartgranti: Chiloelo, Flavescent, Maulana Bi-Color, and Mbenji Blue Regal. This blog concerns Aulonocara stuartgranti ... Read More

Hurricane Harvey Recovery – September 12th

Photo of damage to the interior and exterior of one of our greenhouses. Before I launch into what we’ve been doing since we finally got commercial power, I need to thank my brother-in-law, Danny Rokyta. Danny came over the day before Harvey hit to make sure Carl and I had properly installed our ... Read More

Manning a checkpoint for the Texas Water Safari, the world’s TOUGHEST canoe race!

Photo: Charles Clapsaddle directing racers to downstream check-in and portage. Susie (wife), Carl (son), Tony Kouba (friend and fellow Canoe Trail Goliad enthusiast), and I spent Sunday through Wednesday manning on the behalf of Canoe Trail Goliad (http://www.canoetrailgoliad.com/) the final ... Read More

Aquazoo, a Thriving Mom & Pop Fish Store

The photo is of the interior of our customer Aquazoo. A while back, I blogged about the Demise of Mom & Pop Fish Stores http://goliadfarms.com/demise-mom-pop-fish-stores/ and the impact on our business. That blog received a number of responses. One response was private. It was from the owner ... Read More

Frozen in Balmorhea State Park

In January, one of my daughters and I made a trip around west Texas and southeastern New Mexico looking at rare Gambusia. One of these was G. nobilis an endangered fish. One of its homes is San Salomon Springs at Balmorhea State Park at Toyahville, Texas. While at the park we tried to photograph ... Read More