
Vat Worms

Photo: A likely Diplocardia ornata, a vat worm found in one of our vats and crawling on author’s hand.   Long ago, I promised a blog updating two species of “vat worms” found in our greenhouses. At long last, I’ve just finished it. Before you read this blog, you might want to get some ... Read More

Bryozoan, To Be or Not To Be…

Photo: A freshwater sponge (Dosilia radiospiculata) growing on aquaculture mesh in one of our vats.   This blog is an update of another blog: Read it for background. Way back in pre-Coronavirus ages, October 2019, I wrote ... Read More

Update on Scuds (Shrimp, not Missiles!)

Photo by Matt Hill of EcoAnalysts, Inc., our go-to expert on invertebrate identification, of one of our male scuds. One of the livefoods for fish we raise in our hatchery is scuds, also known as Gammarus. We recently sort of got our scuds identified. See this blog for details: Update on Gammarus ... Read More

Litter Worm Update

Litter Worm Update Photo: A group of litter worms (Bimastos heimburgeri) in one of our compost piles. I previously blogged about finally finding a lab to identify our scuds, litter worms, and vat worms. For information about the scud identification and some background see these ... Read More

Maybe I can get some invertebrates identified, finally.

Photo: Grandnephews, grandnieces, and nephew’s girlfriend’s daughter returning home from a visit to our greenhouses to see the fish. Our German Shepherds, Oso and Maya, are providing escort and security. Our nephew Devin Rokyta, his girlfriend Anndrea, Anndrea’s daughter, and whole passel of ... Read More

Update on Fingernail Clams, Sphaerium corneum

Photo: Closeup of three Fingernail Clams, Sphaerium corneum, on a finger. Okay, I thought I could get away with a short blog (see my previous blog:, but right off the bat its shortness and lack of natural history led to a question from ... Read More

Fingernail Clams, Sphaerium corneum

Photo: Some fingernail clams on a hand. The few spiral shells are dead pond snails. A couple of years ago, we started noticing some small white, translucent clams living in the bottom of some of our vats. I idly wondered what they might be. It wasn’t until I read an article by Sara Sneath a ... Read More